I’ve spent the past couple of posts introducing you, dear reader, to Valiant Comics. And as much as I’m sure you’ve appreciated getting all sorts of back-story, I’m also betting that you are asking “Keith, you handsome rogue, what is the big hoo-dee-hoo about these comics?” I’m going […]
“The waiting is the hardest part Every day you see one more card You take it on faith, you take it to the heart The waiting is the hardest part” – Tom Petty, The Waiting Truer words could not have been spoken, especially when playing a game […]
First things first, this has nothing to do with the movie or our grand tradition of checking if the little fella sees his shadow as a predictor for the amount of Winter left (is he accounting for global warming?). Really, it’s just a starting date and I think […]
“All the fun of football without the inflated egos and deflated balls” 1st & Goal is a card and dice based football game by R&R Games for two to four players that does a fantastic job of giving you experience of coaching a team without getting bogged down […]
There is much information available on the interwebz around the history of Valiant and its various iterations. As part of my intent to familiarize you, dear reader, with some background on Valiant, I offer for your consideration my “cliff notes in a nutshell-sized dime store” version of that […]
This blog entry is the result and response of previous discussions on the topic in two podcasts, BoardGames and Brew (episode 6 – 31:51) and Dukes of Dice (episode 22 – 1:20:05). I started to post in the Dukes of Dice Guild and found that my thoughts warranted a […]
Here at Roll and Groove, we are working hard to keep our resolutions in order and meet the goals we set at the coming of the new year. One of the goals I mentioned in the post, The End (of the year) is Nigh!, was that we would […]
I put myself on a self-imposed gaming acquisition ban this year during the holiday. My parents wouldn’t allow me to buy anything new from around Thanksgiving to Christmas. Their reasoning was because nobody knew what the elves were making and I obeyed because I didn’t want to incur […]
Alright, the last day of the year isn’t that Apocalyptic, but there was a New Year’s Eve in 1991 that was pretty damn awesome…I think, anyways. As we start to think about the year that was, and look forward to the year that will be, I wanted to […]
(With utmost apologies to Clement Clarke Moore.) ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a meeple was stirring, mystic or mouse, The dice bags were hung by the table with care, In hopes that 5th Edition soon would be there; Gamers all […]