Greetings, salutations, hallucinations, and all that jazz…
My hope is that you have stumbled across this blog while looking for all the same things I am writing about. How about that for serendipity?
The truth in Roll and Groove’s mission statement, The Dogged Pursuit of Benevolence in Recreation, is that spending time in a leisurely, social atmosphere is going the way of the dodo in this modern age, yet should be pursued with much vigor. We move at the speed of light, information is fed to us at a rapid and erratic pace. It seems we have never been so connected, yet felt so isolated. I believe Social interaction breeds goodwill and charity by forcing us to learn about those around us; it brings people together. Particularly in tabletop gaming, whether it be in board games, card games, or RPG’s, you are engaged with a group of people, pursuing a goal (whether as a unit or individually), and working through rules interpretation, conflict, negotiation, discussion, and hopefully a dice cup full of laughter. It’s visceral, real and pure, unplugged, social interaction (which makes it all the more ironic your reading a blog about the matter, hopefully on your phone…). It is the reason I am writing this and, hopefully, the reason you are reading. The purpose of this blog is to explore all things involved and surrounding my passion for gaming and pursuit to find that same interaction and joy in all aspects of my life. This includes music, game rooms, family, friends, and life. Hopefully, within these pages, you will find what you were looking for. A few things funny, interesting, truthful and worth a minute or two of your busy day.
Categories: Life and General Ramblings
Oh, lord. Here we go…
And your “greetings” line reminds me so much of your mom.
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Purely intentional.